Benefits of practicing yoga with kids

Benefits of practicing yoga with kids

“Every child has creativity in them and this finds an expression when they do Meditation, Yoga and SudarshanKriya” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Kids are the gift of God. As parents, we are responsible for loving, nurturing, and motivating our kids for a healthy routine. We play a crucial role in encouraging our kids to practice yoga. Performing yoga with kids enhances parent-child bonding. I have personally experienced the benefits of practicing yoga with kids. I do 20 minutes of yoga with my kid in the morning and we both enjoy our yoga time.


Nowadays our kids are spending more and more time in front of television, computer screens, and cell phones. Due to unavoidable presence of digital technologies, the time kids spend on online media increases their health issues such as obesity, physical, and mental problems.

Wonders of practicing 20 minutes yoga 

It has been tested that 20 minutes of yoga sessions give the best benefit in our kid’s lives. Practicing minimum 20 minutes of yoga asanas is helping our kids in solving many physical and mental problems. Yoga is improving their flexibility, strength, coordination, concentration and preparing their brain for learning. For a healthy lifestyle, practicing yoga at an early age is a foundation.

Benefits of Yoga pv

Benefits of practicing yoga with kids

Yoga reduces anxiety

Yoga works best to reduce stress and anxiety. I have personally experienced this with my son. He faces lots of anxiety during exams, assignments or in any performance situation due to fear of failure. Our family doctor suggested that he should practice 20 minutes of yoga daily, as yoga is the best way to beat the exam stress, negative thinking, and fatigue due to sleeplessness. My son is regularly doing few breathing techniques(Pranayam) and exercises(yoga asanas/poses), which helps him in combating stress and anxiety. Now he is doing exceptionally good in academics. For more details about the yoga poses that help in reducing exam stress and anxiety, see 5 yoga poses to reduce exam stress and anxiety.

Yoga enhances strength and flexibility

My child gains strength and flexibility in their legs, core and upper body after practicing yoga poses. Yoga overall helped him in enhancing physical fitness, removing body toxins through sweats, improving blood circulation, giving strength to respiratory system and boosting his immune systems. For more details about the yoga poses that enhance strength and flexibility, see 5 yoga poses to enhance strength and flexibility.

Yoga increases concentration, memory, and focus

 Yoga pranayama and mudras help our children in identifying their feelings and emotions. This is already written in Indian vedic books that stretching or practicing yoga, helps our children to recenter attention on the present moment and helps in building capacity and self-regulation within themselves. For more details about the yoga poses that increase concentration, memory, and focus, see Yoga for concentration, memory and focus.

How to playfully engage kids in yoga sessions

  • Start with easy and simple steps.
  • Start with short sessions and gradually increase the time.
  • Stay positive during parent child yoga practice.
  • Establish a regular time to practice. Make yoga sessions as a game to entice your child to participate in Yoga. For example:   
  1. Play counting games: Body Numbers Yoga
  2. Use Stickers: Motivational Stickers for kids, Yoga Stickers
  3. Use Yoga Cards: The Yoga Garden Game, Educational Yoga Card, The Kid’s Yoga Deck
  • Get appropriate Yoga gear for your kids. For example: Fun Yoga Mat for Kids, Puzzle EVA Foam Mat for Kids
  • Get kids friendly videos and books. There are many yoga videos which are specifically designed to engage kids for yoga sessions.  For example:
  1. Yoga video for kids: Yoga for Kids, A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure  
  2. Yoga books for kids:  The ABC of Yoga for Kids, Yoga for Children, Yoga for Kids and Their Grown-Ups

Tips for yoga beginners

  • Start off with easy and gentle poses.
  • Warm-up your body before performing asanas.
  • Listen to your body and practice at your own pace.
  • Choose a comfortable place.
  • Practice on a light stomach and stay hydrated.
  • Wear supportive and comfortable clothes.
  • Be regular.
  • Focus on breath- take a deep long breath.
  • Selection of anti-slippery yoga mat.
  • Add counter pose in yoga sequence.
  • End the yoga session with relaxation techniques/meditations.


I believe that we should motivate our kids to practice yoga for overall well-being. Pre-school, school and community centers should provide the opportunities to our kids for learning and practicing yoga at an early age. Our education board should also develop policies initiating yoga in schools and training teachers to practice yoga with children. Do you agree with my thoughts? Please share your experiences on this topic and help us to build a healthier future for our kids.

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